Tuesday, February 19, 2008

News and Blogs

I stopped reading the news on a regular basis two years ago. I found that listening to the news during lunch made me queasy and gave me a tummy ache, reading the news during my time off made me depressed and watching it before going to bed gave me nightmares. So I stopped, or tried to stop. I began to skim the headlines and read only what interests me.

It was right about then that I started reading blogs. Not that one is a substitute for the other. Except that blogs, especially the personal ones are so telling and informative. They shed light on what the average person is going through and experiencing. The disconnect from reality that seems to exist between many sections of society that is then translated into some blog or the other. Living for the time being far away from home, Bahraini blogs offered me a rare opportunity of keeping up with my society, the trials and tribulations, the moans and groans, happiness and successes that my people are going through.

I am sure you have a selection of local, regional and international blogs that you read regularly. Here are a few blogs that touched something in me.

Here are a few I like reading: Muslim Hedonist, Raising Yusuf, Neurotic Iraqi Wife, The Angry Arab News Service, and Mosaic. There are a few more that I can’t seem to remember.

Any recommendations?


SoulSearch said...

Hey GoS, Mahmood's Den is very informative if you want to know about the latest and craziest happenings in Bahrain, another recommendation is Ammaro.com, Ammar AlAradi is hilarious and has very valid viewpoints, in my opinion anyway! Soulsearch78.blogspot.com isn't bad either;)
See ya real soon...

Gardens of Sand said...

Miss you SS, hows the contruction etc going on? I did check out your blog and was surprised to see new posts. You're not showing up on the aggregator girl, wt's going on? And yes, Mahmood's Den is gr8, that is the first Bahraini blog I came across.Ammaro is hilarious and yours simply rocks!

Sudeepta said...

Your blog is very intresting.
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